Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Root of All Evil


If it's broke, Don't fix it

Hello World.

The more posts I make, the more i start to realize that they are becoming less and less "Me" & more and more what I imagine others expect from my blog because of the previous posts everyone seemed to have enjoyed so much...

So I guess i'll take a break from stating "researched" materials and try to include more of some original thinking... Well as original as it gets since, no doubt, all of us had such thoughts.

I guess this post can be seen as a extension or addition or whatever, to my previous post:
"Slaves in White Collars"

The Giants who formed this world into its sensual existence and now seem to live in it in chains.
-  William Blake
 Money... Strange thing isn't it?

A small piece of paper that originally was designed to set us free from the burdens such as carrying our merchandise and all sorts of riches on us, has now turned into a material control system which literally governs everyone's lives.

well first of all i'd like to agree that yes, the concept of "money" was a great idea!

why would we bother carrying tons of potential trades material with us, if we could simply put it into a bank and get a paper which approves that we truly own that much "stuff"

The problem now is that "money" has completely taken the wrong turn from its original purpose... in fact... it doesn't represent anything!, think about it... if you have $10 or $100... literally all it proves is that you have a piece of paper...

For example, if you were to see something you liked.. like maybe a hat! that a person is wearing, and you were to offer them $100,
yet the person would say that they'd rather trade something that has actual value in return... you'd quickly realize that you're a guy who offered a piece of paper for a hat...

of course that scenario is taken to a minimal extreme, yet in a post apocalyptic world I'd like to see a guy who would trade ya a piece of paper for a life-essential item.

Money itself doesn't have any essential value to it... it's simply us which gave it its purpose a long time ago...

In my opinion, the problem with our world today is that a LOT of us live by the motto:
"If it ain't broke, Don't fix it"
(Lets elaborate on that real quick... So this means, if it's not broken, don't fix it or improve it or do anything to it.. i mean why should you? still working right?...)

Sure this was quite a useful piece of philosophy a couple of decades ago but not anymore.
Now we are coming to a stage of change...

Think about it!!! apply that phrase to each of these scenarios! and then see where it has brought us...

Production of Paper
"Insert Quote"
= Enormous Deforestation

Methods of Easy Transport
"Insert Quote"
= Enormous Pollution

"Insert Quote"
= Outdated Thinking / Mindset

Money System
"Insert Quote"
= Enslaved to the Material

Even Bruce Lee knew that we always have to keep on moving forward.. keep on flowing.. he knew that all the old traditional martial arts were becoming out-dated and to adjust to the future he must create new ways, improved ways of fighting...

I guess here i come full circle ...

My point is that; way too many of us give up our hopes and dreams simply to be imprisoned by our own creation...

I'm sure many of us ask ourselves.. "If I do what i love, will that bring me a good income?" and if the answer is "No"...

At the passing of a second we drop what we love and pursue the path of money... A path which is paved with bricks of misery and sadness, just hoping that one day the pieces of paper we worked so hard for throughout our entire life will be a worthy reflection to all our achievements.

Of course some people can do what they love and earn great amounts of money.. my point is, don't give up on what you love doing, simply if it doesn't bring you a big income... after all, you never know when you will die. So why waste your time on something you hate for something that isn't of real value.

I'm gonna leave you guys with this quote by Ayn Rand

"So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?"

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