Monday, 8 July 2013

The Killer Drug!... Marijuana?

Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit... unnatural? - Bill Hicks

Hello World.

I've been discussing this topic with a vast variety of people for quite a while, and to me it seems nothing but appropriate to share my opinion and my knowledge on this subject, in this blog. As you might have already guessed i'd like to discuss Marijuana. 

Yes you heard me right! The Devil's Plant itself! 
The reason i'm posting about Marijuana is because i find it completely stupid of how many people blindly label marijuana as a "Dangerous Drug" and place it in the "Big NO NO" section right there with Cocaine, Speed, MDMA, and Heroin... and then turn around and smoke a cigarette or drink alcohol... Alright well.. 

I base this post of all the information I've gathered and believe so please have a read and enjoy :) 

Okay first of all lets get rid of the most basic assumptions of why Marijuana is Illegal... 
Lets have a think about it... 

It has been recorded that 21,600 individuals die from alcohol (legal) abuse per year... not to mention all the people who die through car crashes and all the alcoholics which turn extremely violent etc etc... 

Ignorant Person: "Alright.. well that doesn't seem too bad right?..."

Now lets jump to Cigarettes! (legal) It has been recorded that 5.4 million people die per year because of tobacco... 

*Fun Fact: Every 6.5 seconds a current or a former smoker dies according to the World Health Organization* 

Ignorant Person: "That is quite impressive if you ask me... such a small thing yet so extremely lethal..." 

Well lets move on to the Substance of the hour... Marijuana! (illegal) sadly i must disappoint you all... i have only found 26 deaths with marijuana as an underlying drug which were in the USA between 1999 and 2007... so 26 deaths over 8 years... In a population of 2,615,523,905 people. 


Ignorant Person: "Alright well maybe Marijuana might not be so lethal after all... but it does cause Brain damage and schizophrenia, and paranoia, and anxiety and so on... !!! that's why it must stay illegal!!!"

Well okay lets have a little showdown.

Health Damage through Cigarettes (Legal): Lung Cancer, Emphysema, Bronchial Diseases, Heart Problems and much much more.

Health Damage through Alcohol (Legal): Through alcohol abuse it can increase risk of Arthritis, cancer in the liver, pancreas, rectum, breast, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus, Causes physical and behavioral abnormalities, high risk of heart disease, risk of kidney failure, can cause depression, anxiety, & insomnia & much more... 

Health Damage through Marijuana (Illegal): Through marijuana abuse it can increase risk of bronchitis, schizophrenia (in vulnerable individuals), anxiety, paranoia, and depression.

Health Benefits of Cigarettes (Legal): ... 

Health Benefits of Alcohol (Legal): Through moderate use it can reduce risk of Heart diseases, Lower risk of Gallstones, Possibly reduce risk of diabetes.

Health Benefits of Marijuana (Illegal): Through moderate use Treatment to Nausea, Reduction of pressure in the eyes, Relief of pain, Protection of Nerves through damage cause by sclerosis, Prevents formation of harmful plaque in the brain. 

Ignorant Person: "Well okay okay but the risk still remains! abusing marijuana can still cause very harmful side-effects! ..."

Yes. Abusing Marijuana does cause harmful side-effects... Just like abusing junk food can cause obesity, or abusing alcohol can cause kidney failure, or abusing a fork or a knife can cause it to end up in your eye or in any other uncomfortable place... 
Fact is, people can and will abuse anything, at the end it is their choice whether or not they choose to. It does not mean we should ban anything and everything which can be abused to cause harmful results. 

Ignorant Person: "Alright Alright i get it, but Marijuana is still addictive! and because it is addictive we should have it banned and let it remain illegal!"

The Strange thing about marijuana is that it has no "Addictive" substance inside of it, while Cigarettes have Nicotine that causes the physical addiction, Marijuana like Alcohol does not have a physically addictive 
substance inside, just like in alcohol it is the happy and relaxed feeling people get addicted to. The reason Marijuana got labeled as addictive and as a "gateway drug" was because when Harry J. Aslinger tried to ban Marijuana he added in his testimony that it could lead to Opium use. (Opium is a  latex obtained from the opium poppy which contains 12% morphine which is used to produce heroin)

*Fun Fact: 10% of Cigarette smokers are not addicted to nicotine, where 98% of Marijuana smokers are not addicted to Marijuana"

 Ignorant Person: "Well if Marijuana is safer than Alcohol, and safer than cigarettes... why is it illegal, and the other stuff is legal?!" 

Because unlike the other products, Cannabis is the Billion Dollar Herb. 
The uses for it are countless.
Natural Pain killer
Natural Oil for cars, ( through growing marijuana the plants would make up for all the carbon exhaustion cars cause & turn it back into oxygen )
Hemp is also an alternative Fiber for making stronger and longer lasting Paper and Clothes (which in turn would save countless of trees from deforestation), 
and so on...
Dave Seber said: "we've got 10 to 20 years, tops, before the entire ecosystem, as we know it, will collapse because of what they are doing in these forests."..."environmental threat to forests will worsen if no alternate fiber to wood is found"... 
While i could go on and on, and in more detail of why Marijuana is illegal and why the reasons for it being illegal are completely idiotic i should probably cut this post short :( , but i will leave you with this:

Ignorant Person: ALRIGHT you got me. but i tell you this! If you use Marijuana your life will spiral downwards!, and you will become a worthless good-for-nothing pot-smoker! and you will never accomplish anything in life!

 So here i will leave you with a few worthless good-for-nothing
stoners that never accomplished anything in life because they smoked Marijuana :) Thanks for Reading!

Bob Marley - Musician

Thomas Jefferson - Inventor & Founding Father

Carl Sagan - Astrophysicist / Astronomer / Cosmologist / Author

Steve Jobs - Entrepreneur & Inventor 

Morgan Freeman - Actor / Film Director / Narrator 

Michael Phelps - American Swimmer - Most Decorated Olympian of all time (22 medals)

Francis Crick - Nobel Prize Winner for discovering the structure of the DNA molecule

Seth MacFarlane - Writer / Producer / Film Director / Creator of Family Guy & More
Singer / Voice Actor / Animator / Comedian

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Former Bodybuilder / Actor / Businessman / Investor / Politician

 “Marijuana will be legal someday because every law student I know smokes it." - Lenny Bruce

Thanks for reading.


  1. Very good post! So true and it mentions everything I hate about why this amazing substance is illegal and why it should be legal. Finally someone else realises that anything and everything can be abused and that too much of anything in high doses can be harmful - even water!
    I am a University student myself and I study computer science, I have been smoking weed for about 4 or 5 years now and it has helped me to relax and stay calm when big exams are coming. I've never found that it gets in the way of my study as I plan to only use it when I have finished all my work. I also like how I can go into study mode literally the morning after a big sesh and stay focused. Whereas if you drink the night before you feel most of the day not to mention when you have a bad hangover, then no study would be done.

    Just to let you know, you forgot:
    Obama - President of the United States has admitted to using pot as a kid yet still managed to become the most powerful man.

    Sir Richard Branson - Extremely rich and extremely successful man, founder of Virgin, accomplished many physical things in his life that many non smokers never even think about and is now planning a transport system that send people to the moon.

    Stephen King - One of the most famous published novel writers. With a job where imagination and storytelling has no limits Marijuana can only encourage you.

    1. congratulations and goodluck with your studies man, and i completely agree with what you're saying!, so many people demonize this plant simply to follow the media without any second thoughts about it...

      and yeh i heard about obama smoking pot and stephen king, i could've made the list go on and on , i just chose to cut off at those people so it doesn't seem like the post is so extremely long haha

  2. I have nothing against any drug if used in the proper way intended, although imagine a world where marijuana was legal & people with pre disposition to mental illnesses used it becoming addicted to the mellowness. so after each use this affects a person with mental disorders making it worse.... so at the end of the day while they enjoy their mellow moments the fall out for family friends carers etc are the ones that have to deal with this.

    1. I understand where you're coming from but at the end of the day it is the people's choice to do it or not.. what you're describing is exactly what is happening to some people with alcohol problems which is in-turn legal...

      it's all about will power and moderation, with anything and everything this wonderful world has to offer for us.

  3. My understanding of dope's illegality relates way back to the time that prohibition ended in the USA. Suddenly there were all these specially trained law enforcement officers who were employed and trained for one specific role. So, in order to retain their specialties, another substance had to be recognised as dangerous. Opium wasn't widely used enough to justify that amount of officers and Cannabis was becoming more widely used and socially acceptable, so what better target?

    1. exactly!, sad seeing such a great plant undergo such a awful history... for no reason at all, also marijuana was largely targeted because some writers for news paper articles (Emily F. Murphy) wrote stupid shit like:

      "Persons using marijuana, smoke the dried leaves of the plant, which has the effect of driving them completely insane. the addict loses all sense of moral responsibility. Addicts to this drug while under its influence, are immune to pain, become raving maniacs, and are liable to kill or indulge in any form of violence to other persons."...

  4. loved reading this. its finally good to see someone tell the truth about it, rather than saying it cures cancer and hasnt killed anyone. you did state the risks but its no different to alcohol or tobbaco.

    1. Thank you :D , yeh everything has consequences if abused... it's just sad that Marijuana has the least and yet is the most hated one...
